June 13, 2008

In the Name of the King


This didn't work for me. I had higher expectations for it. Even when I was watching it, I keep trying to convince myself it will get better, but sadly it doesn't get better. This is like a low budget Lord of Rings. The dialogue was horrible, and there were miniature ore battles. I'm always waiting for the special effects and the displays of magical powers from the character but it never comes. The woman warrior was dressed in amazing armor, but her display of magical powers were so disappointing. Also, Jason Stratham wores worn rags throughout the movie. That's horrible in a beautiful land.

Dan in Real Life


This was really boring for a great comedian like Steve Carrell. It's just about a family gathering in the woods, and there wasn't much character development or anything funny at all. I give this a thumbs down.

June 03, 2008

Iron Man


This is probably the best Marvel hero done on the big screen. Iron Man looked great and there is plenty of action to keep you interested. The dialogue is okay, but you'll be too focused on the heart pounding music and excitement.

The Assassination of Jesse James


This film drags on with Brad Pitt and it's a disappointment. There's a good story to tell, but it really dull on the big screen. There isn't much action, and it looks like a low budget cowboy movie.

May 23, 2008

Charlie Wilson's War


With Toms Hanks and Julie Roberts, any movie is good, but this one is mediocre at best. The story just isn't there, and it's kind of boring for a movie with so many A list celebrities. I forgot to mention Phillip Seymour Hoffman is even there. This must have been a political made movie.

I Am Legend


This definitely could have been better with Will Smith. I thought it would be more like Armageddon, where the world has ended and they find a way to survive. However, this is more like Resident Evil or a zombie movie. That's disappointing. It spoils the whole mystery of things.

May 14, 2008

Michael Clayton


This definitely could have been better. It had lots of potential but it was all wasted. It had a great story but they didn't do much with it. George Clooney is always in boring films. I don't know why.

May 13, 2008

American Gangster


Denzel Washington is good as usual, but this film could have been a top seller. Now it's only mediocre. It needed a better story and more action. It seems that not much is going on, even though he is head of the mafia. It should be more like the Godfather.

May 03, 2008

In the Valley of Elah


Great acting by Tommy Lee Jones and Charlize Theron in a film about the sad state of the United States. Based on the current Iraqi war, soldiers are coming home and they are totally screwed up mentally. You hear stories of this in the news everyday, but I don't know if people realized that it is a critical issue.

April 28, 2008



I didn't expect this to be a great film, but it takes you into a fantastic voyage. Great scenery and great music. It probably helps that Richard DeNiro is in it too. I doubt that he will let one of his films turn into shambles. If you love Lord of the Rings, this is another epic adventure for you.

April 24, 2008



What a complete waste. I had high expectations for this one and I was really disappointed. How they can make the story of Superman boring is beyond me. You got actors like Adrian Brody and Ben Affleck, and it still is boring.

Knocked Up

This film is not funny. It's all about raising up a baby and how to grow up to take responsibility. I was expecting a light comedy. Even with all the advertising hype, this film is a waste of time and a big trick.

April 10, 2008

Mr Woodcock


This could have been better. This could have had a better story. It was funny, but some of it was just lame and didn't really do it. If you like Billy Bob Thorton, Bad Santa is better than this one.

March 30, 2008

Dog Bite Dog


This is a dark and gloomy movie. Very violent and not very exciting to watch. Lots of killings and brutality that doesn't add up to anything. If you want to see what Edison did before his scandal, take a peek at this one.

March 29, 2008

Harry Potter and Order Phoenix


I can't believe this series is still going. Well, it's back again and it's not bad. It's getting old but there's enough new tricks to keep you interested. Big props to the people who create the world because that is what keeps people coming back for more..and maybe the story of Harry Potter.



There's some funny scenes. It's not bad for a film with no A list celebrities. There's alot of swearing and profanity, so if that's not your stuff, this isn't for you.

March 15, 2008

We Are Marshall


It's a true story of a sports team that is lost in a plane accident. A inspirational film about how a school rebuilds a football team that has been long gone. It's not all bad.

March 10, 2008

Wise Guys Never Die

A story of a con artist that is probably not worth watching. There isn't anything exciting, except if you want to watch the famous Wong Jing on the big screen again.



A nicely done cgi film. It has a great story and takes you into the fantasy voyage of a hero and king. I just don't understand why they want to "lose" such a great piece to animation. I think it would have been so much better if it wasn't digitized. Just use real humans. I'm sure they can find someone that looks like Beowulf. If you watch the extras, it takes alot of effort to digitize a film. I guess the upside is that you can save tons of money.

March 02, 2008

Blood Brothers


Amazingly, this turned out to be a real good movie. It really immersed you into the underground world of Shanghai. The visuals and music helps to put you into this world of evil. It would have been even better if they took some time to develop the characters and events. Things were happening at a fast pace and the next thing you know, the village boy was the boss of whole Shanghai. That was just too unbelievable.

310 to Yuma


I never watch westerns because they seem dull, but this one was different. Maybe, it's because it's a modern version of westerns. Russell Crowe was great as the villian who has a good heart. If you don't like cowboy story, watch this one and it might change your mind. There's some good gun slinging action and a good story to keep you in suspense.

February 24, 2008



This has a good story, and it's refreshing to see some of the great actors from the past, named the "Four Tigers". It is suspenseful and has the flavor of the greats such as Infernal Affairs. I'm glad there' something good that came out of the HK film industry.

Good Luck Chuck


I'm surprised an A list actress like Jessica Alba is in this crazy role where she is all awkward and silly. For that, I give her props. There's not many people who are famous and will make a fool out of themselves. I'm also surprised that Jessica is in a film with tons of nudity. I guess they need nudity to attract people to romantic comedies.

The HeartBreak Kid


There's some funny scenes. Ben Stiller is still funny, but his tricks are getting old. My DVD rental was scratched up and I had to watch part of it on the PC, but it was still enjoyable.

February 10, 2008

Bourne Ultimatium


If you have been following this trilogy, this is nothing special for you. This is the final chapter and Bourne will finally find out where he came from and how he lost all his memory. I'm glad this is the end of Bourne, or is it?

Shoot Em Up


It's not much of a movie. Tons of shooting everywhere. You must see a hundred different guns used in this film. If you like to see nonstop action, this is the one for you, but don't expect anything more. The environment feels alot like Sin City, where bad guys are hanging at every corner.

January 29, 2008



Some confusion in all the betrayals in the story, but you will see alot of action. If you came to watch some action, you will definitely get it. You will get gun battles, sword fights, car chases, and big explosions.

January 19, 2008

Rush Hour 3


It feels old and uninteresting. You will feel like you seen this before and it isn't funny the third time around. All the chemistry between Chris Rock and Jackie Chan is old and corny. The dialogue is really horrible and I wouldn't even recommend seeing this if you weren't following the series.

Balls of Fury


This was a disappointment. I was expecting laughters like Blades of Glory, but this one isn't funny. In fact, it feels like a spoof or a low budget production. It feels like you went into a two dollar video store and picked up a old kung fu movie. That's not good. And I'm a fan of table tennis, and this wasn't good.

January 06, 2008

The Kingdom


This film takes you into the world of Saudi Arabia. Everything is so realistic that it is definitely something you want to experience. It feels more like a documentary than a war film, so don't expect any great stories with the main characters.