March 26, 2006

The Myth


Jackie Chan's movies are always kind of the same. Lots of fighting scenes of him in every type of scenario. Very dull in my opinion. This time he was a general in his past life who fought to save a Korean princess. It is love at first sight. Lots of flashbacks of his past and Jackie tries to put together all the pieces. The movie is in many languages, so it might get confusing if you don't know them all.

North Country


A good film on how women fought against sexual harrassment in the mines in Minnesota, setting a precedence for women rights everywhere. Charlize Theron was realistic and emotional as a single mom of two who didn't want to take anymore sh*t. With Oscar nominated movies such as these, she should be winning an Oscar anytime soon.

March 24, 2006

The Insider


A great story that keeps you in suspense. You want to watch the whole film to find out the big secret that the cigarette companies are hiding. Based on true facts, you definitely want to watch this film. It's a tee bit long but does show you that news can make an impact. And that real journalism can cause lives to be interrupted or destroyed.

Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire


It's really getting old. After a third time, Harry's story just isn't that exciting anymore. We like to watch him grow up but this is becoming a soap opera. Some magical dragons and sorcery, but it's not new like the first time. If there's a fourth release, it could spell a major box office disaster.

March 20, 2006

In Her Shoes

Cameron is a disappointment in this film. It just drags along with no significant plot. Fine, it's about sisterhood and friendship but so what? It wasn't even a good chick flick. Some sappy moments but nothing to write home about. Critics gave it high marks but was it just for Diaz in her skimpy outfits?

March 18, 2006



This movie really makes a bad name for the game. It was so boring to watch. Bad dialogue and terrible action scenes. You hardly care that they get shot up. In fact, I'm glad it was over.

Two for the Money


What happened to this film? It could have been so much better. The concept was great but it just falls flat with no story. The dark world of sports betting is so interesting and so less talked about that you want to see more, but after the first half, you don't understand where it's going. Al Pacino is a fabulous actor and I would just go to see him, but give the man a story.

March 12, 2006

Flight Plan

A good film that has lots of suspense. If you think you know what's going to happen next, you are mistaken. A nice surprise ending. Audience will never expect this outcome. Amazingly, an ending that is not given away in the movie trailer.

Jodie Foster is terrific as a one woman show.

March 11, 2006

Cinderella Man

This film is a true life story of James Braddock, a boxer, a dad, and a man with real values in the Great Depression. If you thought your life is tough, see how he fought his dying career in boxing, how he fought for food for his family, and how he took on the world. A great boxing movie comparable to the Rocky films.

March 06, 2006



If you want to see a movie that won many awards, you can try it out but this isn't worth your time. The film is dark and you can't see what is going on. Even when you focus, there isn't much going on. There's no twists in the story and there's no action. Who created such a bad movie? The whole plot is two people fighting to obtain a baton to become head of the triad. How stupid is that?

March 04, 2006

A World Without Thieves


The story is new and makes for some suspense. However, the action is mediocre at best. Andy Lau is just okay. He doesn't do anything new in this movie. He's a thief and we really don't care. If you a fan of Andy, this will probably be a disappointment.

March 03, 2006



If you want to see the meaning of life and what our journey is about, this is a great film to watch. It is not just about romance, but a man's search for himself. How can you be more than just good, but great? The question is answered here. An inspirational film that will life your spirits. Kirsten Dunst is somehow adorable in her role as an flight attendant who falls for the character of Orlando Bloom. Also, don't miss Susan Surandon's performance at the end.

The Promise


A good story of a woman's dream to find true love that is denied from her time after time. The battle scenes were nothing great but the sceneries were spectacular. Cecila Cheung looked great also. No wonder all the men were at her feet, including the king. The ending didn't make much sense and confused the audience even more.



With a cast like Denzel Washington and Morgan Freeeman, this war of Glory is not to be missed. The final battle is intense and ever so glorious as it should be at the end. The rest of the movie is mediocre as best compared to the war movies of today. It just seem boring.

March 01, 2006

Chinese Tall Story


Starts out really slow and dumb, but it does get better toward the middle of the movie. Tons and tons of CGI effects which makes everything looks so fake rather than astonishing. This is a film where the world of fantasy meets the world of the future. One minute you are looking at flying beasts and the next minute a flying alien ship appears out of nowhere. Some touching moments in the film with Charlene Choi, but overall, it's just a bloody mess.