August 06, 2006

Constant Gardener


These political thrillers are really not working out for me. I understand that it is not an action movie, but the politics aren't even exciting. The plot just doesn't pull me in. This time, it's a story of Africa and how US companies are testing pharmaceutical drugs on helpless civilians. Exposing the truth is a heroic action, but please make it interesting.

August 05, 2006



This one actually turned out better than expected. Harrison Ford is always great in thrillers and there were lots of suspense. Even though kidnapping a family is nothing new, I was interested in seeing what will happen next. I wanted to see how Harrison would solve everything. Harrison was great and you felt like you were in his shoes.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang


Another ridicously stupid movie. There were a few times that I laugh because of the dumbness involved but mostly it was bunch of crap. Robert Downey and Val Kilmer are trying to solve a great mystery but it was just so boring to watch. There wasn't much suspense or anything. The only reason you might pick up the movie is for Michelle Monaghan. Some very nice scenes of her.



What a bunch of political garbage! I don't know if George Clooney got paid off to do the screenplay or what happened? The whole film was about the oil business and how the US is addicted to it and can't let it go. I thought it might be interesting but I was disappointed. I'm sure most people would have fell asleep and wondered what the hell is happening.