April 05, 2005

Hotel Rwanda

Sometimes you wonder if a superpower like the United States should help out other countries in need, especially when there is genocide. Is it the US's responsibility to keep the world safe from all enemies, even if it is from themselves? Should another country step in if there is a civil war? It is hard to say.

Will Americans want to risk their lives and lose their lives to fight a war that is not their own?

Rwanda shows a story that most do not know. A story that 1 million Rwandan were massacred. A horrible war in African history. It is comparable to Schindler's List where a man also chooses between business and humanity.

However, not to be inhumane, but this movie lacks the realism and gore of Schindler. No one wants to see blood, but it needs to be shown. People need to graphically see the horror of 1 million deaths. They can not show 10 bodies in the whole movie, and hope that the public will believe such a war existed. It leaves everyone very skeptical whether there was a genocide of a million people. This should have been convey more clearly, as it is a tragedy in world history.

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